Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Review: Doctor Who: The Forgotten #1, "Amputation"

Without giving too much away, this new six issue comic book miniseries from IDW Publishing features the Tenth Doctor and companion Martha in a story that necessitates flashbacks to the adventures of the Doctor's previous incarnations. In this issue, we get a flashback to the era of the First Doctor, with granddaughter Susan, Ian, and Barbara as his companions.

The miniseries is blessed with the creative team of writer Tony Lee and Eisner Award-winning artist Pia Guerra, both longtime Who fans, and they bring a certain fannish enthusiasm to their work here. Lee captures the personalities of the Doctor's different incarnations and his companions while delivering a story that makes you keep turning the pages to see what happens next, while Guerra accurately renders the looks and mannerisms of the characters for the comic book page while still bringing her own personal style to the drawing board.

With no new Who on television until Christmas, this miniseries is an excellent way to dispel the withdrawal symptoms and a good piece of entertainment in its own right that's sure to make any fan of a certain Time Lord happy.



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