Saturday, February 14, 2009

Joss Whedon's Dollhouse.

I like it.

More later.

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Wednesday, February 11, 2009

This Week's Comics

Angel: After the Fall #17, Doctor Who Classics: Series 2 #3, Hellboy: The Wild Hunt #3, B.P.R.D.: The Black Goddess #2, The Walking Dead #58, Fables #81, Action Comics #874, Batman #686, Nightwing #153, Green Arrow and Black Canary #17, Green Lantern Corps #33, Vixen: Return of the Lion #5, Trinity #37, Wolverine: Manifest Destiny #4, X-Infernus #3, X-Men Origins: Sabretooth #1, Captain Britain and MI13 #10, Amazing Spider-Girl #29, Avengers/Invaders #8, Patsy Walker: Hellcat #5, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz #3.
